System – Deal

If you want to quickly improve every part of your game, you need to read this…

Quickly and Easily Level Up Your Game In As Little As 10 Minutes Per Day

Develop Elite Level Ball Control, Become A More Skilled Player, Improve Every Part of Your Game BOOST Your Confidence and Dominate Your Opponent!!

It felt like the entire season was on the line…

You’re battling the only other undefeated team left in your conference.

Your team is behind by a goal with only a few minutes left in the game. It seems like you’ve been stuck in your own end for as long as you can remember.

FINALLY! Your keeper makes a save, puts the ball down, and quickly distributes a perfect pass to your fullback out wide. A few dribbles and a quick angled pass to a racing center mid through the middle of the pitch.

You’re exhausted! You’re uniform is so soaked through with sweat, you feel like you jumped in the ocean with it on. You can barely catch your breath but you know… now is the time!

You dig deep down inside you for that final, explosive burst and streak down the sideline as your teammate hits a perfectly weighted pass into space. Your eyes get big! This is the chance you’ve been hoping for!

You chase down the pass, take a perfect first touch and just like that… you’ve squared up your opponent. You’re 1v1 out wide in the offensive third!

This is where you shine! You take an angled touch inside, and then quickly sole roll the ball back across your body as if you’re headed to the end line.

The defender commits to cutting you off, but then you throw a quick scissor to the inside!

Your opponent panics and overreacts back to the inside!

You push the ball toward the end line again and then take an angled touch toward goal, cutting off the rival defender behind you!

You’re in the clear! Only the keeper to beat or you can slide a pass across to a teammate for a tap in! Your choice! Either way, you’ve just tied the game!

If you want to be THAT player, keep reading! It won’t happen by accident!

You see…

The one thing EVERY player needs to do is control the ball under pressure

Nothing else can happen, nothing else matters, unless you can control the ball! Your vision, awareness, anticipation, soccer smarts, all of it is dependent on your ball control. That’s where it all starts!

soccer dribbling skills

The Better You Are With The Ball At Your Feet The Easier Everything About The Game Becomes

Soccer keeps evolving.

The speed of play, technically, tactically and physically, is getting quicker and faster all the time.

What does that mean for you?

When you receive the ball you’ll have less and less time and space on the pitch.

The end result is you will be under pressure almost instantly whenever you receive the ball.

You WILL have to be able to keep the ball and escape two or three defenders in order to make a pass and keep possession for your team!

And this WILL happen to you almost every time you have the ball!

No matter what position you play if you can’t keep control of the ball under pressure, you can’t play the game.

Look, this is about you, not me, but in case you found your way here without knowing who I am, I am Coach Gregg, aka The Soccer Specialist.

I am the creator of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, Dominate Game Day

I’m also a coach, trainer and host of the award-winning ‘The Soccer Specialist’ Podcast, as well as running a private Facebook group with over 7,703 members!

My goal with everything I do, is to help you become the best soccer player you can possibly be and take your game to the next level.

Between you and me…

Here’s a dirty little secret your club won’t tell you

MYTH: You can reach your potential just by training with your team.

FACT: If you want to become a great soccer player, you MUST do more than show up to team practices.

Your club’s focus is on attracting new players to the club that are ALREADY good. They do this by winning games and tournaments and then bragging about it.

Unfortunately, this focus is NOT what’s best for your individual development!

You must follow a progressive training program IN ADDITION to what you do with your team!

Average players only train with their teams.

Elite players follow a high quality training program on their own.

It’s time for you to TAKE ACTION and start doing!

Following the right program (more on that below) you can level up your skills in as little as 10 minutes a day!

The simple truth is…

You Need To Develop Elite Level Ball Control To Become A Great Player

1v1 skills

Soccer players need an incredible amount of technical ability as well as amazingly quick decision making, vision, awareness, anticipation and other attributes.

It all starts with controlling the ball!

Dutch youth players get 10,000 touches PER DAY!

Americans are lucky to get 1,000 touches PER WEEK! Very lucky! I’m being generous.

It’s probably closer to a few hundred!

You do the math! Who do you think has the development advantage?

American club practices are set up for the team, not the player. Pass and move. One touch. Two touch. How many touches do you get in a 90 minute session?

You’ll get more touches in 10 minutes with Impact Soccer System training than you get in a week (or two!) with your club team!

Let me tell you the three best things about using Impact Soccer System to improve your ball control. The third one is kind of funny when you think about it.

    1. The better you get with the ball at your feet… the more FUN the game of soccer becomes!

    3. The better you get with the ball at your feet… the better you will be at EVERY part of the game!

    3. The better you get with the ball at your feet… the more every club and team out there is going to want you to play for them! Ha!

Yeah, I know, they don’t want to train you that way. And they don’t want you to play that way… until they see you on another team (usually embarrassing one of theirs!). Funny, right?

What Others Have To Say About Coach Gregg’s Programs

“She made the team!”

My daughter listened to your tips about tryouts about trying some harder moves even if they aren’t perfect.

She really stepped outside of her comfort zone and tried some of the moves she’d been practicing inside the Impact Soccer System.

They weren’t really fast yet but they worked well enough.

The coach pulled her aside and said he was really impressed with her. She made the team!

Jenny Phillips Packard

“We noticed a BIG change in my 13 year old over the summer using his program.”

We noticed a BIG change in my 13 year old over the summer using his program.

He plays up on u15, and while you couldn’t tell he was playing up (other than his height) before, now he looks to actually be ahead of several of his teammates in speed, reaction, timing and in ball handling.

It is also not a time suck of doing a million drills in one day so they burn out. It’s targeted skills and soccer specific.

Jenny Snyder

“He did great at trials and was selected for the team!”

Gregg Gillies thanks!

My son took a couple of tips from the podcast, especially about chasing and getting the ball back if he loses it. He did great at trials and was selected for the team!

Claire Kelly

“I’m faster to the ball and much stronger in my core”

Zadie Bargeron WPSL Savannah SpiritI had a meeting with my college coach before winter break, because I wanted to find out what I could do to make a bigger impact.

He told me I needed to get stronger (I’m pretty small and had a tendency to get knocked off the ball by bigger players), and he wanted me to get faster and more explosive over 10-15 yards.

My dad (also a coach) recommended that I work with Coach Gregg over the break.

In just 7 weeks, Coach Gregg helped me accomplish my goals.

I’m faster to the ball and much stronger in my core, so I win more 50:50 chances, and I don’t get knocked off the ball nearly as much as I had before.

Because of the program, my confidence has skyrocketed, and so has my Coach’s confidence in me. As a result, my playing time has increased dramatically. I highly recommend Coach Gregg’s Impact Soccer Performance.

Zadie Bargeron
Covenant College Soccer
WPSL’s Savannah Spirit

“He loves the sport more than ever and he is thriving in ways I couldn’t have imagined.”

I’ve said it before and will say it again, finding your podcast saved me from being one of those idiots who gets wrapped up in that ranking, elite, premier, trying to get kids playing like professionals would…

But thankfully, your advice helped me remember that these are just kids.

Then I started putting it into practice with my son. Thankfully it was early enough, and now he loves the sport more than ever and he is thriving in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Thanks Coach Gregg!

Alfredo Vargas

“Your programs made all the difference!”

If you ever doubt the effectiveness of 30 Day Ball Mastery, Dominate Game Day, and/or Impact Soccer, you can put that on a shelf!

3 years ago I was trying to get him over the skills hump and your programs made all the difference. My sophomore son made JV this fall for one of the best high schools in our state.

Last week he earned a team captain’s armband, and just today he was pulled up to Varsity!

That’s all on top of him joining an ECNL team for this winter and spring.

So it’s been an amazing period of growth and opportunity all due to starting your programs.

Thank you.

Jim Kulp

“Vertical Jump Went From 10.75 inches to 19.25 Inches!”

“I’ve been using Gregg’s content since quarantine started and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in terms of my individual development.

I have better touch, better conditioning, and I’m more confident on the ball. I’m also his online coaching client using his 1 on 1 training, and I’ve already made incredible strides in my strength and power.

Now I’m quicker, more explosive and getting to balls I didn’t get to in the past! I can’t recommend working with Coach Gregg enough!

Plus, it really helps me to have someone to be accountable to and to encourage me to keeps pushing.”

Alena Miller
College Goalkeeper
Upper Iowa University Peacocks

“Gregg Gillies helped my oldest daughter”

Gregg Gillies helped my oldest daughter with increasing her speed over short distances (10-12 yards) and I use components of his Dominate Game Day in my team’s preseason conditioning, so I definitely recommend looking into his stuff.

Mark Bargeron (State Champion High School Coach and Club Coach)

“I highly recommend you do.”

For those who haven’t subscribed to Gregg Gillies’ podcast yet I highly recommend you do. He is spot on with the topics that are being discussed.

My teenage son has started to follow his podcasts and now he sees what I’ve been telling him all these years.

It took another adult who knows what he is talking about when it comes to soccer.

Thank you Gregg!

Look for it on Spotify. It’s called The Soccer Specialist.

Paolo Ferretti

“He made it to our county’s top ECNL boy’s team”

Thank you to… The Soccer Specialist for those helpful tips from your book.

He made it to our county’s top ECNL boy’s team.

Josie Llana Flores

“All of this has helped my son mentally and physically overcome some of his confidence issues”

Gregg Gillies I just wanted to say thank you.

My 11 year old son and I have been listening to your podcast for about six months now. My wife has even purchased a lot of your books and programs so we can learn and help him develop in his growth.

I can tell that all of this has helped my son mentally and physically overcome some of his confidence issues… to see him come out during games and finally be confident in the things he does…

So thank you again and keep doing what you do.

Pedro Martin

If you don’t have this [Dominate Game Day] get it! We saw a huge jump in ball mastery.

Angie Remer


With the Impact Soccer System You Will

Unlock Your Soccer Potential With A Step By Step Program Designed To Dramatically Improve Your Ball Control, Boost Your Confidence And Level Up Your Entire Game!

That’s right. Amazing ball control comes with a great side effect… an incredible boost in confidence!

The reason I created Impact Soccer System is simple.

Too many players are getting left behind because they aren’t getting enough quality touches on the ball as part of a plan.

They never get a chance to grow and develop as players because too many coaches discourage players from taking more than one or two touches.

I’m not going to let this happen to you!

Impact Soccer System was created to give you the technical edge you need to show off your smarts and skills!

You see, another dirty little secret about club soccer is…

Your Struggles Are Not Your Fault! The Youth ‘System’ Has Failed You!

Thanks to the youth ‘System’… soccer players do not go out and work on specific ball control patterns, using all parts of their feet (left and right) as part of a progressive plan to increase their skill level.

Thanks to the youth ‘System’… you don’t get to experience keeping the ball at your feet and escaping pressure.

Thanks to the youth ‘System’… without experience with the ball under pressure, you have no confidence you can keep the ball!

Thanks to the youth ‘System’… you are frozen by the fear of making a mistake!

One of the biggest things missing from youth soccer is repetition. Players don’t get enough time with the ball in practice.

As a result, players kick the ball away far too often because it’s ‘safe’ and they won’t get yelled at like they would if they tried to keep possession and lost the ball.

Thanks to a lack of ball mastery, passes are usually of poor quality resulting in far too many unforced turnovers.


We can fix that starting today!

Quickly and Easily Level Up Your Game In As Little As 10 Minutes Per Day

An effective training program that gets real results isn’t simply a collection of drills, exercises or patterns.

A well designed program is crucial to your success.

One thing we all struggle with nowadays is information overload. So I’m fixing that right now.

You’re busy. That’s why Impact Soccer System is basically Plug n’ Play!

When you join the family, each month you’ll get a new month long ball control program.

It will be delivered via email where you’ll get a short PDF with that month’s program spelled out and a link (and password) to a private page with the videos. Simple.

You Can Customize Portions Of The Training Based On Your Time Available And Even Your Conditioning Level

You’ll get a list of training days and which session to do that day as well as how the training time breaks down (there’s a cool way to customize this, as well).

The sessions build on each other, while also mixing in the foundational skills that so many are lacking (because teams don’t put in the time to help players master them).

This helps players master the basics while also performing more complicated patterns, leveling up their ball control skill and avoiding boredom.

Each month there will be a new program, always mixing in the foundational fundamentals with new challenges and patterns.

At it’s core, it’s all about developing complete control of the ball with all parts of your feet. But we’ll be adding more as well (once we’ve had our doors open for awhile, the price will have to go up).

Each month inside Impact Soccer System you’ll get:

  • A short PDF with a month long calendar that gives you the specific training session to do each day.
  • A private URL and password where you can log in to see every exercise on video, with a different video for each unique training session
  • Every month you’ll receive a new training program for that month, delivered to you via email.

Impact Soccer System is laid out in a simple PDF. You’ll get everything you need. All you have to do is follow the program.

Look, you can continue to do what you’re doing, follow the herd, go from random Instagram workout to random You Tube video, spend hours searching and piece together some training that MIGHT work…

and maybe become an okay player.

Or… you can grab Impact Soccer System, take control of your development, and take your entire game to another level of performance!

The choice is yours!

I will tell you this.. if you grab Impact Soccer System and follow the program, you WILL become a better soccer player!

And you’ll keep improving, month after month!

Impact Soccer System is an easy-to-follow, powerfully effective progressive training program designed to turn you into a dramatically better player.

You’ll develop more ball control and more confidence. You’ll become the player that makes your fans go ‘Wow!’ and the opposing fans talk about you as the player they fear and need to stop!

I’ve already put together the entire first year of training. It’s all set up to be delivered to you.

In the first year alone, you’ll get:

  • 70 Training Videos Each Containing 9-12 Control Patterns to help you get comfortable with the ball using all surfaces of both feet!
  • ‘A Ball And A Wall’ Video with 10 Different Patterns (One and Two Touch)
  • Bodyweight Agility Program (you’ll become quicker and more explosive so you can leave defenders in the dust)
  • Training Program PDF every month – simply follow along

You will be a better, more skilled, more confident player.

Master ball control and everything else about the game becomes easier. You feel less stress under pressure. You don’t get rid of the ball too soon. You won’t panic.

You’ll be calm, confident and have the ability to get away from pressure and help your team keep the ball.

Join us on the inside today !

Click the button below and get instant access right now!


Coach Gregg, The Soccer Specialist

Feedback for Gregg’s #1 Amazon Best Seller Dominate Game Day (4 Week Conditioning Program):

“Join Now And You’ll Blow Past Your Opponent So Easily It Will Almost Feel Like Cheating!”

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