How To Quickly Improve Your Soccer Performance by Developing the Athletic Foundation You Need to Play at a Higher Level

One of the great things about the sport of soccer is that all types of players can excel.

There are so many things you can do that can make up for not being the biggest, fastest or strongest player on the pitch:

  • Soccer IQ
  • Technical skill
  • Anticipation
  • Awareness
  • Vision
  • Great first touch
  • and more.

That being said…

Soccer Players Are High Level Athletes

Soccer keeps evolving. The speed of play, both technically and physically, is getting quicker and faster.

Athletic traits like speed, agility, quickness, change of direction and power matter more and more in the modern game.

Every day, soccer players are getting bigger, faster, quicker, stronger and more explosive. They need to in order to stay competitive!

If you’re not improving your athleticism, you’re falling behind, no matter how technical and skilled you might be.

I’ve lost track of how many players and parents I’ve talked to who are worried because they get overlooked (especially at tryout time) since they aren’t the biggest, fastest or most athletic player on the pitch.

Look, this is about you, not me, but in case you found your way here without knowing who I am, I am Coach Gregg, aka The Soccer Specialist.

I am the creator of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, Dominate Game Day: The 4 Week Soccer Conditioning Blueprint You Need To Become An Elite Player.

I’m also a coach, trainer and founder of The Soccer Specialist Podcast as well as a private Facebook group with over 4,000 members!

My goal with everything I do, is to help you become the best soccer player you can possibly be and take your game to the next level.

And between you and me…

Here’s a dirty little secret your club won’t tell you

MYTH: You can reach your potential just by training with your club team.

FACT: If you want to become a great soccer player, you can’t just show up to team practices.

You MUST follow a comprehensive training program IN ADDITION to what you do with your club!

Average players only train with their teams.

Elite players follow a training program to develop not only their technical skills but their speed, agility quickness and overall athleticism.

It’s time for you to TAKE ACTION and start doing!

The simple truth is, if you want to be a successful soccer player…

You Need To Develop Your Technical Skills AND Your Athleticism To Become A Great Player

Soccer players need an incredible amount of technical ability as well as amazingly quick decision making, vision, awareness, anticipation and other attributes.

But even “slow” players at the highest level are really quick, really fast, and very explosive!

You can be, too!

Whether we like to admit it or not…

Speed Kills!

Anyone involved in almost any sport has heard that expression. For good reason. It’s true!

All else being equal, speed wins out. It’s an important part of most major team sports and that includes soccer.

The good news is

You can improve your speed.

Sprinting is a skill. Skills can be improved.

We would never refuse to teach a young player how to dribble because we don’t think they can become Messi or Marta.

We would never refuse to teach a young basketball player how to shoot a jump shot because they’ll never become Steph Curry.

Yet we refuse to teach a player how to get faster because they won’t become Usain Bolt.

That might very well be true but that doesn’t mean we can’t help a player get faster than they currently are right now.

Of course, being a great athlete isn’t just about speed.

With Impact Soccer Performance You Will

Unlock Your Soccer Potential With A 12 Week Step By Step Program Designed To Increase Your Speed, Agility, Strength, Quickness and Overall Athleticism

The reason I created Impact Soccer Performance is simple.

Too many talented players are getting left behind because they aren’t stand out athletes.

They never get a chance to grow and develop as players because too many coaches choose the early developing athletes at the young ages.

It’s easier for the coach to win at the younger ages that way instead of doing the hard work of developing players!

I’m not going to let this happen to you!

Impact Soccer Performance was created to give you the athletic edge you need to show off your smarts and skills!

Just imagine:

  • You win more 50/50 balls because you’re quicker, faster and more explosive over short distances, giving you and your team more chances with the ball.
  • You are able to track down those through balls that used to be just out of reach, creating more opportunities for you and your team to score goals!
  • Bigger opponents can no longer knock you off the ball, allowing you to shield longer, keep the ball and make a positive play!
  • Better yet… you can knock that bigger opponent off the ball, cause gasps among the crowd, and start a counterattack for your team!
  • Even when an opponent has a better angle, you get there first!
  • Your coach wants to know what you’ve been doing so the whole team can do it, too!
  • When you beat a defender, you’re gone,,. No more getting caught from behind.
  • You dominate the match in the air.
  • Every time you step out on the pitch, whether it’s training, a game, or tryouts, you stand out and get noticed because you are so involved. It’s like there are two of you out there!

Well, you can make all that happen! (more on that below)

A unique thing about soccer speed

It’s More Important To Be Faster Over 10 Yards Than It Is To Be Faster Over 50 Yards

“I’m faster to the ball and much stronger in my core”

Zadie Bargeron WPSL Savannah SpiritI had a meeting with my college coach before winter break, because I wanted to find out what I could do to make a bigger impact.

He told me I needed to get stronger (I’m pretty small and had a tendency to get knocked off the ball by bigger players), and he wanted me to get faster and more explosive over 10-15 yards.

My dad (also a coach) recommended that I work with Coach Gregg over the break.

In just 7 weeks, Coach Gregg helped me accomplish my goals.

I’m faster to the ball and much stronger in my core, so I win more 50:50 chances, and I don’t get knocked off the ball nearly as much as I had before.

Because of the program, my confidence has skyrocketed, and so has my Coach’s confidence in me. As a result, my playing time has increased dramatically. I highly recommend Coach Gregg’s Impact Soccer Performance.

Zadie Bargeron
Covenant College Soccer
WPSL’s Savannah Spirit

All else being equal, a player who is faster over shorter distances will have an advantage over a player who is faster over 60 or more yards.

Short sprints are impacted more by explosiveness (strength, power), and acceleration mechanics, than longer sprints.

Guess what? It’s easier to improve shorter distance speed through training than top end speed!

If you want be faster over shorter distances you’ll need to improve your:

  • Acceleration Mechanics
  • Power
  • Strength

While top end speed is important, it occurs a lot less often than acceleration or change of direction speed does.

When it comes to top end speed we’re talking about 50, 60 yard sprints or more.

These do occur, but most sprints in soccer are a lot shorter than that. We need to focus on where we’re going to have the most impact on game day.

In most field and court sports, the ability to accelerate to maximum speed is a lot more important than maximum speed.

Coach Gregg and his program have not only helped me get in game shape for the season, but also improved my ball skills and confidence!

I now feel more comfortable in 1v1 situations and under pressure.

His training is great for athletes looking to take their game to the next level!

Emily Broker
u18 EDP Club Player

“Vertical Jump Went From 10.75 inches to 19.25 Inches!”

“I’ve been using Gregg’s content since quarantine started and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in terms of my individual development.

I have better touch, better conditioning, and I’m more confident on the ball. I’m also his online coaching client using his 1 on 1 training, and I’ve already made incredible strides in my strength and power.

Now I’m quicker, more explosive and getting to balls I didn’t get to in the past! I can’t recommend working with Coach Gregg enough!

Plus, it really helps me to have someone to be accountable to and to encourage me to keeps pushing.”

Alena Miller
College Goalkeeper
Upper Iowa University Peacocks

Coach Gregg’s program really helped me up my game, especially for my high school team.

As someone that has been playing since I was six years-old, Coach Gregg’s program proves that you are never too old to learn skills and train like you never have before.

Ava Hutchinson
u18 EDP Club Player

From my Private Facebook Group:

Feedback for Gregg’s #1 Amazon Best Seller Dominate Game Day (4 Week Conditioning Program):

How 2 Inches Can Take You From Bench Warmer to Star

For the sake of argument let’s say, with proper training, we are able to improve your stride length by a whopping two inches.

It doesn’t seem like much but you will will cover 24 more inches of ground over 12 steps. That’s two full feet.

In soccer it’s the difference between..

  • making a play or not making a play.
  • being first or second to the ball.
  • finishing a breakaway or stopping one.
  • sitting the bench or being the star.

Covering an extra couple of feet of ground is a big deal.

Let’s be real, even over six steps, you’ll cover an entire extra foot. Think about how many times you’re a half step away from making a play! A foot is a game changer!

So how do you go about doing this?

Simple. You need to develop more power. In order to do that, you need to get stronger.

Increase Strength > Increase Power > Increase Speed > Quicker Change of Direction > Assist Improvement of Agility

MYTH: Strength training is dangerous and makes you slow.

FACT: Strength training, when done right, is incredibly safe, and makes you a better, faster athlete!

You see…

Strength Training is The Ultimate Key to Speed

Strength training is the foundation of all athleticism. Yes, that’s a bold statement. It’s also true.

If you want to improve your soccer performance you need to improve your strength. More specifically your relative strength.

Nothing happens without strength. You can’t even blink your eyelids or get out of that comfortable chair without strength.

Strength Training Helps to Reduce The Risk of Injury in Athletes

Read that sentence again. It’s an important one.

You can’t get better if you’re hurt!

A properly designed strength training program for soccer:

  • Improves a player’s overall athleticism
  • Develops better balance, coordination, speed and agility
  • Creates more explosiveness for quicker changes of direction
  • Improves acceleration
  • Increases speed over the all important shorter distances
  • Faster speeds late in a game
  • Produces a better vertical jump to win balls in the air
  • Will help reduce the risk of injury

An improved vertical jump will also improve your speed.

You see, vertical force plays a crucial roll in sprinting speed. There are numerous studies that have shown how important vertical force production is for sprinting speed.

One study in The Journal of Applied Physiology in 2000 showed that faster sprinters produced as much as 1.26 times MORE vertical force into the ground than slower sprinters at top speed.

Lena Miller, a college keeper I work with, improved her vertical jump from 10.75 inches to 19.25 inches!

The key goal for soccer players when it comes to strength training is developing relative strength.

This is simply strength relative to body weight.

While extra body weight can be an advantage to a football lineman, it can be detrimental to a soccer player.

With proper training, strength can be improved significantly without adding extra weight. This should be the focus of most soccer players.

Strength is the ability to move a weight without time constraints.

Power is the ability to move that weight (produce maximum force) as quickly as possible. This is what we need for increased speed.

Strength is the foundation of that power.

Soccer demands a lot of the body:

  • Speed
  • Endurance
  • Change of Direction
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Explosiveness
  • Quickness
  • Acceleration
  • Deceleration
  • Injury Prevention
  • Recovery

These athletic tools needed in soccer – speed, explosiveness, quickness, power – are all the result of being able to produce a high level of relative strength as quickly as possible (power).

To be effective a soccer player needs that explosiveness.

You also need to be able to accelerate, decelerate, and re-accelerate as quickly as possible, while also factoring in the ability to change direction and do so while reacting to outside stimuli (agility).

This means including some explosive or plyometric work as well.

Things like:

  • Jump squats
  • Jump lunges
  • Broad jumps
  • Tuck jumps
  • Power Skips
  • Skater Hops
  • One Leg to Two Leg Broad Jumps
  • and many other movements

In the modern game it’s also necessary to have good upper body strength, as well as phenomenal core strength, in order to knock players off the ball, or to make sure you don’t get knocked off the ball.

Not to mention that the body works as a whole. Upper body strength and core strength play significant roles in speed.

Improving your speed and overall athleticism is not simply about hammering away mindlessly on lower leg exercises, even in the sport of soccer.

First, it’s important that your body is balanced. Imbalances are the gateway to injury, whether it’s an imbalance between the quadriceps and the hamstrings or the upper body and the lower body.

The upper body also plays a crucial role in movement mechanics, whether it be straight away sprinting speed or change of direction. In fact, there is a correlation between pull up strength and sprinting speed.

Do not neglect the upper body in your training program.

Being stronger gives soccer players a lot of advantages and many other benefits as well.

Look, you need the right exercises. But that’s only a very small piece of the puzzle when it comes to improving your athleticism.

How To Take Your Soccer Performance To The Next Level With a Step by Step Program To Increase Your Speed, Agility, And Quickness All While Improving Your Overall Athleticism

An effective training program that gets real results isn’t simply a collection of exercises.

It’s the right exercises, at the right time, with the right volume, intensity and frequency, to help you get results… and it doesn’t neglect recovery!

Recovery is a crucial part of training that often gets neglected in youth soccer! Most coaches and trainers just work players hard all the time. That’s when burnout and stagnation happens. Or worse, injury!

If you’re body doesn’t recover, it eventually breaks down and forces you to take time off via injury! You can’t get better if you’re hurt!

A well designed program is crucial to your success.

What’s Inside Impact Soccer Performance

Inside Impact Soccer Performance you’ll get:

  • The main 12 week training program

The main 12 Week program has you training 4 days per week (with a 3 day per week option).

  • 12 week bodyweight only program

No equipment? Feel you’re too young for barbells and dumbbells?

No problem! There’s an entire 12 week bodyweight only program you can follow!

The bodyweight program isn’t simply a ‘beginner’ program of jumping jacks. It’s a comprehensive program designed to get you real results!

Impact Soccer Performance is laid out in a simple PDF. You’ll get everything you need. All you have to do is follow the program.

It lays out the exercise, sets, reps, rest periods and even includes links to the exercise demonstration videos.

Yes, inside the client area you’ll get access to videos that demonstrate all the exercises inside Impact Soccer Performance.

By the end of the program, you’ll:

  • Be faster, quicker, more explosive!
  • Improve balance and coordination (don’t get faked out of your boots while you make defenders fall down)
  • Feel better
  • Move better
  • Be stronger
  • Be stronger on the ball
  • Develop proper movement patterns and mechanics, which will improve your speed and decrease injury risk
  • Explode your ability to change direction more quickly
  • Quickly increase acceleration, which is even more important than top end speed
  • Strengthen your ability to decelerate (the deceleration process is where most non-contact injuries occur)
  • Improve mobility, flexibility and stability
  • Increase speed (yes, really!)
  • Improved body control and spatial awareness (this is the secret sauce!)
  • Activate the glutes and develop the hip flexors – not only does this help reduce the risk of injury but it’s the body’s power center and proper development will explode your athletic performance to another level!
  • Become a better overall athlete and soccer player.

Look, you can continue to do what you’re doing, follow the herd, and maybe become an okay player.

Or… you can grab Impact Soccer Performance, take control of your athletic development, and take your entire game to another level of performance!

The choice is yours!

I will tell you this.. if you grab Impact Soccer Performance and follow the program, you WILL become a better soccer player!

Click the button below and get instant access to your copy of Impact Soccer Performance right now!

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