7 Day Baller Edition

7 Day Ball Control Blueprint – Baller Edition

Congrats again on setting yourself apart from the competition! Very few players are going to go the extra mile like you on their player development journey!

Can you own your development for the next 7 days? If you do, you’ll be amazed at the change in your ability to control the ball, which will translate into being a much more confident player on the pitch.

You’ll have a much greater positive IMPACT on your team! You got this!

Below is the short training PDF

It gives you all the instructions on how to perform the training sessions and tells you which training video to perform each day. It has everything spelled out for you step by step.

It also includes the link to this page as well so you’ll always have it.

7 Day Training Schedule PDF

Please do NOT share this information. This is for members of the community ONLY!

If you haven’t watched it yet, please watch this short video first.

It gives you some tips and tricks to help you make the most of the training.

Below are videos for each of the 3 training sessions as well as a fourth video on how to do the Matthews and the Matthews with Scissors (you’ll understand when you look at the Training PDF).

Simply pick the correct video for the day, decide on your one minute work to rest ratio (35/25, 40/20, 45/15 – see more in the PDF) and the number of rounds you are going to do and get going!

These are three of the 13 videos inside Impact Total Touch Training, a complete 60 Day Ball Control Program that also includes wall and a ball training.

Be sure and check out Impact Total Touch Training here to take your game to the next level!

Be sure and review the video before you train and get a feel for the patterns before you start. If it helps, write down descriptions that make sense to you.

The videos are pretty short so it won’t take much time to go through each pattern.

Now get training!

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Video 4: The Matthews and the Matthews with Scissors